Just 3: Strategies to Help Your Child During Teletherapy Sessions by Jocelyn Fenyar

At Justabout Pediatric Therapy, we will not let a stay at home order keep us from helping kids to reach their goals! We believe in the abilities of our therapists to create meaningful sessions remotely. We also believe in the children that work with us to develop critical speech and motor skills.  In just a few weeks, we’ve seen the power in teletherapy to reach kids in a new and different way. Here are “Just 3” ways to set up a successful virtual session with us… 

1.       Create a “therapy” space: Have an area in your house that you designate as your child’s therapy space! This will enable your child to feel as if he/she has his/her own special therapy corner! Once you and your child have designated a therapy area, it is important to keep this “learning” area the same from week to week. Your child thrives off of routine and consistency.  

2.       Limiting distractions: It is important to limit distractions in the room/area in which your child is completing therapy sessions. This includes removing items that may be distracting for your child and turning the TV off during therapy session. It is also important to select seating that works for your child! Some children respond better to stationary chairs, whereas other children enjoy the movement of a chair/stool on wheels. 

3.       Engaging your child: We encourage (and love) when your child shares special toys and activities with us! This not only helps keep your child engaged but also provides us with a variety of new target words for your child to practice. Use of “when-then” statements are also a great way to get your child involved in tasks during our tele-therapy sessions (WHEN you practice 5 words THEN you get to play Mr. Potato Head). This provides your child with an expectation that you have for him/her as opposed to a demand. 

 We look forward to the day we can reopen our doors and return to “business as usual.” When we do, you can visit us to meet our therapists and see the warm, loving atmosphere we strive to create. Looking for a clinic that feels like home? Please submit and appointment request online or call the office to schedule